Stephanie Lee Art

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Creative Expansion Virtual Retreat

Last week my husband and I spent 5 days in the desert of Eastern Oregon, so far off grid that the only “online” there was available was getting online with the energy of nature and our healing/ed selves.

What I thought would be a very long drive to a few days in hot, dry, barren conditions turned out to be an immersion in hidden creeks tucked in wandering aspen groves, sage brush as far as the eye could see, more wildflowers than I could count, sunny mornings after a long night of rain, and healing hot springs in which we immersed ourselves over and over.

Friends, I don't live in the city where the noise of industry is constant. I live on acreage where bird song and breezes are the norm so I was not expecting the profound impact our time in the desert would have on my soul. The contrast from my daily life wasn't as much in the surroundings as it was in my mind and heart.

There was no to-do list there except what the moment invited us to do.

Harvest sage.
Dip in the hot springs.
Walk into those trees.
Stand in the rain.
Let loose healing tears.

Something expansive was rattled loose in me as I moved with those invitations. It was so close to emerging before we left but it was being fully present with my own thoughts for days on end that cleared a space for it to exist outside of my doubts and hesitations. Out in the open where it can fulfill the measure of its creation.

And so, the 5 day Virtual Creative Expansion Retreat was born.

It's work I've actually been preparing for you (us) for a very, very long time and as the pile of notes grew, so did my belief that I needed to make it flashy and manufacture a profound invitation for you to want it. The desert reminded me that YOUR creative expansion doesn't need a flashy sales page to accept the invitation to show up for you. In fact, I would guess it wants the opposite. It's so much wiser than that.

If you want your creative expression to include the whole of you, unhurried, totally liberated to savor every joy-filled idea that calls you, and unreasonably resilient to self-doubt and hesitation, the experience I've created for us is exactly the space, support, conversations, and shared celebration you deserve.

This retreat will be 5 days together via virtual, interactive, live video (Zoom), 90-120 minutes at 5 PM PST each day with 2 follow up integration sessions in the following month. It's going to be the best blend of life coaching + mindset liberation within the specific container of art + creativity and how we each want to step into ours more fully and with more joy. It will absolutely transform your relationships to your creativity in ways you didn't even know you needed it. Just like I thought my little patch of land provided me a deep connection with nature and spending time immersed in the desert showed me how much more self-connection was available to me, so will this virtual retreat open a wider creative horizon for you.

You'll give voice to and honor desires you haven't let yourself fully want.
You'll stitch together how your creativity will flourish in both being without needing to prove anything and doing to honor your creative impulses.
You'll learn how to recognize and unhook from unconscious thoughts that restrict your creative flow so that you fully realize your power to create regardless of circumstances.

(Just writing this for you has me so overflowing with happiness in celebration for the joy and creative liberation you'll be reveling in before it's over…)

I'm keeping space limited - for real - because I am committed to high quality presence with you during this retreat and face to face conversations with plenty of space to find the truest thoughts and questions.

For now, there's only one way to register and that is by clicking here to send me an email to tell me you want in (I'll follow up with payment instructions). This invitation is extended to my newsletter friends first with a 24 hour head start to secured your spot before I share this publicly. The cost of the retreat is $297 and it won't cost you a dime of high priced fuel to get here. :)

The most potent energy will be when you join us live but if you can't make the live sessions, you'll have full access to all the recordings and a channel through with you can ask your own questions and have them answered.

The retreat starts June 27th and runs for five consecutive days until July 1st.

The doors are closing June 24th.

In the meantime, feel free to make a list of all the common creative advice in full flow out in the world and prepare yourself for the cathartic process we'll embark on of throwing out what hasn't worked for you and instead letting yourself fully embrace and CHOOSE all that is possible for you.

I am already reveling in the delight of who aligns with this invitation (I want it to be every single one of you) and the creative expansion waiting for you! If this makes your heart race a little or like a “yessssss” in your deepest of knowers, email me and let me know you want to be a part of this cohort. It woudln’t be the same without you.